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Laundry Room Pantry Ideas

A sink with a dirty sink and a bucket and a bucket on it.

If you’re looking for laundry room pantry ideas, you’re likely in search of ways to create some extra storage space for your kitchen while also maximizing the use of odd corners of your laundry room. Even if you have a small laundry room, creating a fully functional pantry space is possible!

First Things First

Before you get excited and start ordering shelving units or cute storage bins, you need to measure the space you have available. How tall do you want this pantry to be? How wide can it be? Does it need to fit into a corner? Will you risk bumping up against it while you do your laundry? Spend some quality time with your tape measure, paper, and pen so that you know exactly how much space (and what kind of space) you have to work with/

Should Your Laundry Room Pantry Have Wooden Shelves?

Wood shelving is a great option for any pantry, even one in your laundry room. Remember, however, that laundry rooms can often be humid environments. If you choose to go with wood for the body and shelving in your pantry, make sure that the wood is sealed properly. This way you don’t have to worry about the humidity causing any problems like warping or, worse, mold.

Color Schemes

a laundry room with earthen walls, a washing machine and a sink.Have you already set up your laundry room? If so, then the color scheme of your laundry room pantry should match the rest of the room. If you’re still trying to decide on what colors to use for the space, neutral colors are a good way to go. They won’t clash with the machinery or your pantry shelving. Light neutral colors (like cream or beige) are particularly good in laundry rooms, because they reflect the light and make it easier to inspect your clothes for stains or coloring issues. You’ll also have a much easier time determining if your whites are as bright as possible.

How to Organize Your Laundry Room Pantry

If you have the space, the best way to organize this room is to create distinct zones. The first zone should be for your laundry. The second zone should be for your pantry and storage needs. This helps make the space look even bigger.

A shelf full of glass jars.

A wall of shelves, with jars neatly organized on each of them. It also prevents any cleaning products from seeping into food. There’s a reason grocery store baggers put food and cleaning supplies into separate bags -- take the same approach with your laundry room pantry. Keep your laundry related tools and materials located right over the washer and dryer where they are handiest. Set the pantry items off to the side or along a different wall. Want our help optimizing your laundry room pantry? Schedule a free design consultation here. During your experience, one of our dedicated designers will come to your home, measure your space, discuss your goals for the area, and generate a custom Glide-Out shelving solution.

Open Plan or Closed Away?

There are two basic plan options where a pantry is concerned. One is the open plan, where shelving is built right into the walls of your laundry room. The other is a closed plan, which is where your pantry is contained in cabinetry. How do you decide which one to use?This depends on the space available and how much of a stockpile you want your pantry to have. If you don’t have to store much, or don’t plan on using the pantry very often, a closed system set away from the washer and dryer will probably work out just fine. If you like to buy in bulk and really store up for a season, the open plan will give you more flexibility to move and change things as you need to.

Where to Find Inspiration for a Laundry Room Pantry?

a computer screen with different images on it.

The easiest way to get an idea of what other people are doing in their own combined laundry room and pantries is to do a quick search on Google Images. Type in “laundry room pantry” into Google and then click the Images tab. You’ll be flooded with ideas.If you’d like a little more context in terms of why someone made the choices they did, Instagram is best. Instagram allows users to write captions (some of which can be quite extensive) to explain their setup. It also provides the added bonus of its messaging feature. If you have a question, simply write a comment or send that user a message!For keeping track of ideas related to your laundry room pantry, Pinterest is best. You can create a board specifically for this project. Then, you can “pin” different photos, articles, blog posts, sales pages, and other websites to that board to keep all of your inspiration and research together.The great thing about this type of project is that the only limit to it is your creativity. Whatever your budget or style, and however much space you have available, creating your own laundry room pantry is a great way to make the most of your home.

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Since 2000, we’ve been turning our clients’ frustration with their homes into blissful happiness. We pride ourselves on having the best quality Pull-Out shelves available to homeowners. Our process, service, and dedicated team of professionals are simply unmatched in the business.

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