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Smart Kids’ Closet Ideas

Young woman organizing clothing as part of kids closet ideas

Coming up with kids’ closet ideas can be difficult. Children are messy. Toys are everywhere. Clothes can easily get shoved in every drawer, with no apparent organization or reason. Parents and grandparents must keep many things in mind when trying to child-proof their homes and better organize their days. ShelfGenie brings you some bright ideas and tips for kid-friendly closet organization.

First Things First: Organize

Children grow so fast. Last year's clothing may no longer fit this year. For optimizing your small one's closet space, first start by organizing. See what fits and what no longer does. Think about donating those too-small clothes to someone who might need it. Try to label any boxes or bins so you can find things easily later. After separating the winter clothing from summer clothes, store unneeded clothing safely by using plastic containers with lids. Or you can store clothing in empty luggage. Once done, place these on higher closet shelves, out of reach. When it comes to getting rid of old toys, try to ask your child first. It can be painful for children to part with sentimental items.

Organization Bins for Drawers

Bins as part of kids closet ideas.

Children need to be able to see their things, or they may forget they even have them. Plastic and wicker bins are ideal for organizing drawers and closet shelves. These kid closet organizers are key. Organization bins are a great way for getting children to fold their clothing so it fits neatly inside—just like coloring inside the lines. Bins and dividers will help them visualize how things can be kept organized in the future. Find drawer dividers or organization bins in their favorite color. Or use a variety of colors for a happy, rainbow effect. Whatever happens, make sure you add a clothes bin for dirty laundry.

Putting Organization In Reach

Children organize their clothes in front of custom-built beds with drawers.

When planning your child's closet or drawers, make sure these items stay within their reach. The custom-built, double bed featured above makes great use of available space and keeps the many drawers within their reach.This is also a great option for children's rooms that lack a closet, or have very small closets. Ask our ShelfGenie experts to customize your drawers so they glide out, making it easy for your little one to open and close them.By placing the drawers below the bed, there is no need for additional bureaus or dressers to clutter the room. This is important because sharp edges can be dangerous in a child's room.

Open-Design Kids' Closet & Shelves

Open-design closet using shelves and rods for kids closet ideas.

How do you build a closet in a room without a closet?

Find new, creative ways to use your available space, even the corners of rooms.The open-design closet featured above has low-built shelves and hanging rods placed organically, so as to maintain aesthetics. Low shelves allow your little one easy access to all the day-to-day clothes your child will wear more often.This open design is not only incredibly functional, it is also a great option for those building on a budget. Laminate particle-board shelves are durable, inexpensive, and very easy to clean. They also come in many color options.These shelves and metal clothes hanging rods can be found at your local home goods and construction supply stores.

Custom-Designed Bunk Beds with Cabinets

Bunk beds and cabinets as part of kids closet ideas.

This is a gorgeous example of how you can custom-build both bunk beds and cabinets for kids. One of the nicest things about this reach-in design for cabinets is that you cannot see a thing out of place—very important in a child's room.In the top cabinet, the things your child will not be wearing any time soon, as well as sports equipment. In the bottom cabinet, as well as the drawers under the bed, great space that they can easily reach for the things they will most use.This storage design for children makes such great use of space, from floor to ceiling. It even allows empty space below the cabinets for keeping toys or shoes.For those who need just one bed, consider turning the bottom bunk into a desk or play area for your young one.

Never Forget the Books!

Child's wood book shelf as part of kids closet ideas.

No child's room can be complete without a bookshelf. Reading is fundamental to the learning process, at every age of development.The custom-built wooden bookshelf featured above keeps things playful and makes reading look fun. As it should be. Similar child's bookshelves can be built in the shape of anything, including letters.If your child’s name starts with a T, imagine a bookshelf in the shape of a T. Or, if you want to use this same design idea for storing clothing, make the shelves between 12 to 24 inches deep.

Which of These Kids’ Closet Ideas is Your Favorite?

Young girl reading.

Keeping children happy and organized takes some planning. But it can be done. If you’d like our help integrating your child's closet ideas with the space you have available, schedule a free in-person consultation with a ShelfGenie designer.

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Since 2000, we’ve been turning our clients’ frustration with their homes into blissful happiness. We pride ourselves on having the best quality Pull-Out shelves available to homeowners. Our process, service, and dedicated team of professionals are simply unmatched in the business.

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