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How to Declutter Your Home In a Few Easy Steps

How to declutter your home? It is a question many of us ask but put off answering because the solutions can seem so overwhelming. Psychologists have long proven the benefits of decluttering your home. Decluttering is a quick and easy way to reduce stress. It is good for your mental health because it makes you feel calmer and more in control. Read on to discover the best way to declutter for a more relaxed mind.

Organizing Your Home from Top to Bottom

First off: don’t think about decluttering your home as one big job. Rather, it is better to mentally divide it into manageable stages. That starts with making a list. Focus on individual rooms and pinpoint specific areas within a room that need special attention. Learning how to declutter your house is something of an art form. To tackle the project, we recommend decluttering each area completely before moving on to the next. Doing so will build up confidence because you will be able to see the results of your hard work as you go. Pay special attention to organization while decluttering your home. To be most effective, you will need a selection of bins, baskets or boxes with designated purposes to help you sort items as you go.Organizing your home using bins, baskets or boxes

The Key Containers You Need to Declutter Efficiently

We suggest using the following categories for sorting your items:

  1. Tidy Away: Use this container to put in things you find that are not in their regular place. These could be items such as a drinking glass in the bedroom or a sweater in the bathroom. By putting all these items in the same place, you will expedite the process of returning them to their intended places in the home.
  2. Recycle: Use this container for paper, glass or plastics that your garbage collector can process for reuse. Easy!
  3. Mend and Repair: Place items here which need some extra love and care. You might have a favorite pair of boots that could do with a new heel, for example.
  4. Garbage: Put in anything here that you need to throw away. Going through items with a “declutter” mindset can help you get rid of items that you may no longer use, but have carried with you for a bit too long.
  5. Give Away: You may have lots of items you no longer use but which someone else or a charitable organization might want or need. Use this container to collect these up. As an added tip, put this box by your front door rather than in your car trunk.

What kind of container you use for each task is not important. What matters is that you prepare them in advance and have them available in each room while you are decluttering your home. Searching for the containers you need once you have begun can distract you and break up the rhythm of your tasks.

Your Room-by-Room Guide to Decluttering

Decluttering your home and closets There may be one particular room in your house that fills you with dread. For example, you might know that there’s a closet in your bedroom stuffed full of clothes and shoes. You may have known it has needed sorting for months, if not years.When decluttering your home, it is smart to start in an area of the house you know will be easy to organize. Starting with the easier rooms will give you a quick and easy win, which will encourage you to carry on. Bear in mind that there may be a lot of items that need to go. A useful rule of thumb is this: if you have not used something for 6 months or more, it is probably a good idea to get rid of it and free up more space.

How to Declutter Your Home’s Bathrooms

Decluttering your bathroomLet’s begin with the medicine cabinet. First, remove everything and lay it out on the counter to see at a glance what items you have. Throw away any outdated beauty products, old hygiene tools, and medication. When you put things back, order them so that your medicines are together and your skincare creams are on a separate shelf. Place the items you use frequently at eye level so that they are easy to see and reach for. Take everything out of your cabinet drawers. Decide what you do and do not need, placing anything you use frequently in the top drawers. Follow the same pattern with your tub or shower. Check under the sink and ensure all cleaning products are not expired and that they are sufficiently full. Make sure you use your five containers to remove anything that doesn’t belong in the bathroom.

Loving Your Living Room, Made Easy

Organizing your home and living roomDecluttering your home is crucial for you to enjoy the time you spend in your living room. This room can be particularly difficult because it is often the room which gets most use and has the least storage space. Installing shelving can make a huge difference. Start the decluttering session by removing items from bookcases and side tables. Make a permanent home for things like remote controls, magazines and books. When you give items a place, it helps the rest of the household keep things neat and tidy. Check that all appliances are working and remove any chargers or gadgets that you no longer use. Fold away blankets and plump up cushions. Even these simple steps can make a world of difference.

How to Declutter Your Home and Still Prepare a Meal

Keeping kitchen surfaces clearThe kitchen can be one of the most challenging rooms when decluttering your home. If you have a family, your kitchen might double up as a place to get together and eat, as well as somewhere to cook. There is no purpose to decluttering your home unless you do it in a way that will suit your needs best. That could mean decluttering your home and kitchen by item types such as crockery, glassware, and utensils. Or, you might find it easier to declutter different zones within your kitchen area. Start by emptying out each space so that you can consider every item one at a time. It is a good idea to begin with areas you use most such as a pantry or the upper cabinets. Put anything out of place back where you would normally store it.Consider the appliances and utensils you use most often. Position these together in places that you can reach easily when preparing or cooking meals. Next, sort out any lower kitchen cabinets, drawers and the space below the sink. You should try to keep countertops as clear as possible. Use this space only for items you use every day of the week. Once you have tidied everything up, grab your ‘tidy away’ container. Return everything that does not belong in the kitchen back to its rightful place.

Make Your Bedroom a Peaceful Sanctuary

Making the bedAlways start by making your bed. That will make your bedroom feel more decluttered straight away. Psychologists also say it is good for our mental health. Take away anything from your nightstands that does not belong there, and place items in the most appropriate container. These could be things like magazines, old pens, or medication. Keep surfaces free of items other than things you use every day, such as an alarm clock or a book you are currently reading. Your dresser should be easy to declutter. Designate a drawer for each type of clothing and designate a container for anything that needs folding, cleaning, or hanging. Take everything out of drawers and make a decision about whether you really need each of the items there. Resist the urge to simply put everything back and close the drawer! Less is more when you are in a rush.

Tackling Your Bedroom Closet

Organized bedroom closetFirst, sort out all your clothes and lay them in a row on your (already made) bed. It is far easier to decide to keep or give away a pair of trousers if you are looking at all your trousers together. Next, make a decision about what you want to keep. Remember the six-month rule. If you have not worn something for that length of time, then the chances are you will not wear it in the future. Clothes are often the most common household items to donate. Doing so can really make you feel good. Scientists think that altruistic behavior releases endorphins in the brain, generating a positive emotion often called the “helper's high. "When you have sorted each kind of clothing, make four piles:

  • Put away items that are in the wrong place, such as socks
  • Remove dirty items and place them in your laundry basket
  • Put things that need repairing into the relevant container
  • Create a pile of clothes to donate

Organizing Your Home Means Keeping Entryways Clean and Tidy

Organizing an entryway Your entryway is likely to have more clutter than other areas. It is where we dump things when we feel tired after coming home after a long day. However, nothing gives a worse first impression of your home than a cluttered entryway. It does not make any difference how small the mess is, decluttering it often will keep it inviting and functional. Now you know how to declutter your house and bedroom closet, use the same principles with closets in your hallway. Divide shoes, boots, and jackets and decide which you need to keep and which you can pass on. Remember to be honest with yourself, and don’t be afraid to part ways with items that no longer serve a purpose.

Decluttering Your Home Means a Calmer, Less Stressful Future

Staying calm at homeNow that you have the tips for learning how to declutter your home, you are well on the way to a more peaceful life. Decluttering your home might mean investing in some organizational items. Click here for an awesome list of organizational items we swear by.

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