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Organization Blogs and Resources to Follow for 2021


If you’re looking for professional, expert Organization Blogs, you’ve come to the right place. The New Year brings with it a renewed sense of optimism and purpose. Even in difficult times, as presented to us this past year, it’s hard not to feel the changing of the calendar as a monumental occasion. So, are you looking to make the organization a cornerstone of your new year plans? You’re not alone. It’s a common goal for many of us—and an admirable one. You’d be surprised just how much of a change it can make on your mental state, and your overall health.The question, of course, is: where to start? Depending on your state of personal organization right now, it can be a serious undertaking...and somewhat intimidating to take on alone.

Best High-quality Organization Blogs to Follow

It’s important to accept the help of others, to aid you in your unfolding year of organization. And although the following sources may not be personal friends, they’ll no doubt become trusted allies in your quest for an organized life.Without further ado, here’s the list:

1. The Minimalists

Since launching their website in 2010, Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus (who go by the moniker The Minimalists) have built a movement on the back of a simple idea: that the modern individual is cursed with clutter.That being said, their philosophy isn’t concerned solely with the reduction of items. It’s not all about throwing things out and paring down our’s also about focusing on what matters. Through books, podcasts, and the runaway hit Netflix documentaries, they've’ spent the past decade preaching a lifestyle that clears out the unnecessary to make room for the essential. If you’re looking for an unconventional source of inspiration for a new, simpler attitude toward your material life, you really can’t do better than these two ex-corporate forward-thinkers. Try their website for an easy start.


An old classic. Unclutterer is, as they put it, “the expert home for obsessive-compulsives, neat freaks, or just the downright disorganized in desperate need of some structure in their lives.” and one of the best organization blogs to follow. They live up to the billing. Since 2006, they’ve put together crucial information for anyone looking to sort through the mess of their lives. These days, they help out best by putting together buyer’s lists of available products for productivity, cleanliness, and organization...which can be an absolute godsend when you’re in need of some help making decisions. After all, buying high-quality products means both that they’re more reliable, and that you’ll find yourself less overwhelmed with crappy, unused refuse around the home. It’s not all reviews, though. Unclutterer also specializes in organizational tips & tricks, providing strategies you can use in all aspects of your life: from the home to the office.

3. The Home Edit

Meet Clea and Joanna: A-list Hollywood celebrity organizers, and the founders of The Home Edit. Their goal in starting The Home Edit was to reinvent traditional organizing and merge it with design and interior styling. The team of designers at iDesign worked with Clea and Joanna to create a product line that is as functional as it is beautiful! From a turntable with removable dividers, a set of stackable bins, or space-saving expandable tiered shelves, this collection will help you organize everything from your pantry to your bathroom and every room in between.What makes The Home Edit essential reading (and viewing) for an aspiring clean freak is their energy: it’s simply infectious. Never have you seen two people so genuinely thrilled by the prospect of re-doing a garage. That enthusiasm can’t help but carry over to your own lifestyle.

4. Marie Kondo

A woman speaking animatedly on stage at the rise conference

The woman who made “sparking joy” part of our cultural conversation. Her work, like that of The Minimalists, is a poignant reminder that there is an obsession with “stuff” in our modern world. Crucially, though, the message isn’t just about getting rid of things—it’s about finding what makes you a better you. Mari Kondo is one of the best organization blogs you can find.If you’re looking for serious inspiration, start with her book: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It’s an almost spiritual call to action. Follow that up with her Netflix series, to see her working with families and homes across the globe in motion. And of course, check out the rest of her website for updated content throughout the year.

5. Lifehacker

Lifehacker has been one of the most consistently popular websites when we talk about organization blogs, ever since its launch in 2005 (that’s right, this is an internet original). That popularity doesn’t come from anywhere: their content is almost unique online. They give outrageously useful “hacks” for saving time, improving productivity, and (most importantly) improving your quality of life. Think of classics like using paper clips to organize your loose cords—that’s from these guys.

Find Organizational Inspiration in 2021

Here’s hoping that the sources we’ve discovered will bring you to a new, more organized place in the coming year. Remember: it’s not always the easiest of roads. As humans, we have a tendency to fall back into complacency and comfort. That’s OK! Whenever you feel yourself veering off track, just reach back for your inspiration. They’ll help steer you right again.Ready to get started with your Organization journey? Let us help you. Schedule a free, no-obligation at-home consultation with ShelfGenie.

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